Saturday 4 October 2014

Oh Hey

Oh why hi there.

So I decided to hop over from the land of YouTube and create a cheeky little Blog for you guys because it's something that I have been itching to do for such a long time, so when better than right now.. on this day.

I am currently lying head to toe in Disney PJ's and sipping on coffee (out of a minnie mouse mug.. yep) and I think that's what inspired me to do get my butt into gear and give this a go.
I can't promise great, world changing things from my Blog but I am a make up and fashion addict and would love to share my life and loves on here, so I hope you enjoy!

I have a Youtube channel just FYI-

This is my first post. If you don't know me, let me introduce myself:

My name is Sarah-Louise
I am 23 years old.
Currently living in London
Dancer/singer as a profession.
Obsessed with Fashion/Make up
Like to capture the little things in life that make me super happy.

Here are some links so you can give us a stalk, or just say hi and we can be friends! -

Lots of love SarahLou xo

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